PrimerPlex is an efficient and sophisticated tool for designing oligos for multiplex assays. Multiplex assays facilitate amplification of multiple targets in a single reaction vessel, reducing both the time and cost of experimentation. PrimerPlex designs oligos for multiplex PCR assays and for suspension array based systems such as Luminex 100, Luminex 200 and Bio-Plex 200. Such systems offer a versatile platform for multiplexed nucleic acid detection in a 96-well format. The multiplex assays are used for gene expression analysis (end point detection using gel electrophoresis) and for high throughput SNP applications such as genotyping, pathogen detection, strain typing, and haplotyping. To ensure specificity, the oligos are designed after avoiding the regions of homologies identified by a BLAST search. PrimerPlex then checks the oligos for cross reactivity and minimizes Tm mismatches to give you the best possible multiplex set. In the process, it analyzes millions of possible multiplex primer sets in a few seconds and presents a list of alternate sets to you as well. PrimerPlex designs standard primers for a 30-plex multiplex PCR assay. It uses proprietary algorithms to design optimal primer sets under uniform reaction conditions for up to 30 targets. Primer sets are identified after screening all the primers in a pool and minimizing Tm mismatches. All the multiplex primer sets are analyzed for cross hybridization to ensure specific amplification and high signal strength.